Sunday, March 10, 2013

Scrisori de Dragoste cu Nuca / Love Letters with Walnuts

Scroll down for English recipe

Trebuie sa recunosc ca sunt fan prajituri cu nuca. Desi nuca e scumpa si in ultima vreme am inlocuit-o cu migdale si alune sunt prajituri care nu pot fi facute decat cu minunatele nuci atat de rare anul trecut…
La prajitura asta I se spune in o mie de feluri , noi o alintam “gloante”, prietena mea Mariana ii spune cornulete fragede cu nuca …dar indifferent cum ii spunem e inegalabila …



6 galbenuse
200gr unt


6 albuse
250gr zahar
250 gr nuca macinata
Esenta de rom dupa gust


Zahar praf
Se separa ouale.
Albusele se pun in frigider.
Din galbenusuri , unt si faina cat cuprinde( stiu ca suna ciudat dar nu am masurat niciodata cat cuprinde) se face un aluat ferm, nu vartos. Aluatul se imparte in 60 de “gloante” – bucatele rotunde de marimea chiftelutelor aperitiv.
Se pun in frigider peste noapte sau de dimineata pana seara.
A doua zi sau seara se bat albusele spuma tare cu 250 de zahar . Se adauga nuca macinata si esenta de rom amestecand usor.
Se intind gramajoarele de aluat si se ung cu umplutura de nuci. Se ruleaza u=in forma de ravas si se coc in tava neunsa sau tapetata cu hartie de copt.
Timpul de coacere depinde de cuptor ( 25-30 min)dar e bine sa fie coapte la cea mai mica temperature posibila pana devin aurii.
Calde se dau prin zahar praf.

Love Letters with Walnuts

I must admit I am a fan of the cakes containing walnuts. Although walnuts are expensive and lately I replaced them with almonds and hazelnuts, there are cakes that can not be done without the wonderful walnuts so rare last year...
This cake is called in a thousand ways, we call it "bullets" my friend Mariana calls them mouth melting rolls with nuts ... but no matter what we call them it is quite impossible to be equaled in taste...



6 egg yolks
200g butter


250gr sugar
250 g ground walnuts
Rum flavored essence


powdered sugar


Separate the eggs.
 Put the egg whites in the fridge.
From yolks, butter and much flour as needed (I know it sounds strange but I never measured the amount) to make a firm dough. The dough is divided into 60 'bullets' - meatballs appetizer size.
Place the bullets in refrigerator overnight.
The next day beat the egg whites stiff with 250 gr of sugar.  Add the ground walnuts and rum essence mixing slowly.
Stretch the dough pieces with a roller and brush with nut filling. Roll in a letter shape and bake on a baking tray ungreased  or lined with baking paper.
Baking time depends on the oven (25-30 minutes) but it's good to be baked at the lowest possible temperature until golden brown.
While still hot roll them through powder sugar.

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