Sunday, May 26, 2013

Prajitura Sandvis cu Crema de Vanilie / Vanilla Filling Sandwich Cake


Prajitura asta noi am botezat-o “ mamaliga” pentru ca baza cremei semana pe vremuri cand nu gaseam praf de budinca cu o mamaliga :)
In general prajitura asta o facem la Craciun sau la Pasti din ratiune de …obicei pentru ca e foarte buna de facut si cand stii ca ai musafiri :)

Ingrediente :

Blat simplu:
5 oua
5 linguri de zahar
3 linguri de ulei vegetal
7 linguri de faina
2 lingurite praf de copt
1 esenta de vanilie

Blat cu nuca
5 albusuri
250 gr. zahar
250 grame nuca ( alune, migdale, etc…)
2 galbenusuri
4 linguri de amidon sau 2 linguri de faina

Crema :
400 ml lapte
5 linguri de zahar
1 praf de budinca de vanilie
1 esenta de vanilie ( recomand Coselli sau Cosmin superesenta)
300gr de unt

Glazura instant de ciocolata
100gr ciocolata topita la microunde in 30 ml frisca

Blat simplu:
Se bat albusurile spuma tare, se adauga zaharul si esenta de vanilie, galbenusurile si uleiul amestecand incet si apoi faina amestecata cu praful de copt.
Se coace in tava unsa si tapetata cu hartie de copt 20 min pe treapta minima a cuptorului cu gaz sau pana e coapta( proba scobitorii)

Blat cu nuca:
Se bat albusurile spuma tare se adauga zaharul si se bate in continuare pana bezeaua e lucioasa si nu mai sunt cristale de zahar.
Se adauga galbenusurile nuca si amidonul, pe rand amestecand incet.
Se coace in tava unsa si tapetata cu hartie de copt pe treapta minima a cuptorului ( 40-45 de minute) cu lerul putin deschis . Blatul trebuie lasat la copt pana e foarte tare deasupra deci bezeaua e bine uscata. Timpul de coacere depinde de cuptor.

Se prepara budinca conform instructiunilor de pe pachet cu intreaga cantitate de lapte, esenta de vanilie si zahar. Cand e gata se adauga 100 gr de unt in amestecul fierbinte si se raceste.
Cand e la temperatura camerei se spumeaza restul de unt ( sa fie tot la temperatura camerei) si se adauga rand pe rand compozitia de budinca. Se omogenizeaza cu mixerul la viteza relativ mare sa nu se taie.

Blatul simplu se insiropeaza cu putina apa amestecata cu esenta de rom.
Se pune crema.
Peste crema se aseaza blatul cu nuca.
Se glazureaza.

E bine de taiat a doua zi dupa ce a stat o noapte la rece sa se patrunda blatul de bezea.

Vanilla Filling Sandwich Cake

We have named this cake "polenta" because the buttercream filling resembled polenta in the times when I could not find pudding powder :)
Generally we make it for Christmas or  Easter because ...  it's very good  but you can always make it when you know you have guests :)


Vanilla Cake:
5 eggs
5 tablespoons of sugar
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
7 tablespoons flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 vanilla essense ( 2 tablespoons)

Walnut Cake:
5 egg whites
250 gr. sugar
250 g nuts (hazelnuts, almonds, etc ...)
2 yolks
4 tablespoons of starch or 2 tablespoons flour

400 ml of milk
5 tablespoons of sugar
1 pack of vanilla pudding
1 vanilla essence ( 2 tablespoons)
300gr of unsalted butter

Instant chocolate frosting
100g chocolate melted in the microwave with 30 ml liquid cream


Vanilla Cake:
Beat the egg whites stiff, add the sugar, vanilla, then the egg yolks and oil, stirring slowly and then the flour mixed with baking powder.
Bake in greased pan lined with baking paper of 20 min at the lowest temperature gas oven or until it is done (toothpick test)

Walnut cake:
Beat the egg whites stiff and add sugar. Continue beating until the meringue is glossy and there are no sugar crystals.
Add the egg yolks nuts and starch, stirring slowly.
Bake in a baking pan ( same size as the vanilla cake)greased and lined with baking paper on the minimum temperature of the oven (40-45 minutes) with the oven slightly open. The meringue must dry rather than bake so the baking time depends on the type of the over you have. When the surface of the meringue is very hard at touch it is done.

Vanilla Buttercream:
Prepare the pudding as directed on package with all the milk, vanilla and sugar. When ready, add 100 grams of butter in the hot mixture and let cool.
When it’s at the room temperature beat the remaining butter (to be all at room temperature) until light and fluffy and add the pudding mixture spoon by spoon. Use a relatively high speed mixer so the mixture won’t break.

Moist the vanilla cake with a little bit of water mixed with rum
Place the filling on top.
Put the walnut meringue cake on top of the filling.

Best cut it next day after one night of chilling so the flavors will set.