Saturday, March 21, 2009

Marshmallow fondant

Fondant din marshmallows

Cu trei ani in urma ,cand finalmente aveam destula putere sa stau in picioare,m-am gandit sa continui traditia mamei si sa “prajituresc” la fiecare sfarsit de saptamana.

Nu mi-am imaginat atunci ca o sa gasesc atatea incercari provocatoare,si atatea femei talentate dormice sa isi imparta experienta cu oricine vrea sa le asculte.

Astfel dupa un training voit pe forumul si pe gloriosul YouTube am descoperit faimosul fondant din nalbe ( eng. Marshmallows- termenul de nalbe e foarte putin intalnit)

Am descopertit ca acest “stagiu” de pregatire mi-a prins bine cand inceput sa folosesc fondantul pentru imbracatul torturilor pentru copii si oameni mari ,cat si atunci cand am inceput sa modelez flori si figurine pe care le-am vazut facute din pasta de zahar ,sau de lapte praf pe alte torturi deja celebre.

Cu surprindere am vazut ca fondatul meu se modeleaza usor, e complet nepretentios, isi pastreaza elasticitatea si dupa ce sta o perioada la frigider, florile modelate din el au tinuta si se intaresc la aer si in plus nu se lipeste de maini sau de manusi.

L-am folosit la modelat tot ce mi-a trecut prin minte si de fiecare data s-a comportat la fel. De colorat se coloreaza fara probleme indiferent daca e 100 de grame sau daca e o tona.

In plus are gust bun,nu doar dulce de te ia cu lesin, pastrand aroma materialului de baza – minunatele marshmallows .

Ca si raport de cost este mult mai ieftin decat fondantul de cumparat ,mult mai fad la gust si muuuuuult mai scump.(din nefericire)

Se poate prepara,modela,etc… in prealabil si folosi la nevoie ,adica de exemplu cand ai uitat ca e ziua sotului celei mai bune prietene ale tale si vrei rapid sa faci un tort spectaculos.

Mai in gluma mai in serios am experimentat aceasta reteta de fondant si am folosit-o pentru torturi de aniversare, de logodna …etc (vor urma postarile) si nu a dat gres niciodata.

Va urez mult succes in folosirea ei si va doresc sa va ajute cel putin cat m-a ajutat si pe mine.
Reteta simpla:
150 gr de marshmallows
500 gr.zahar praf
150 gr de marshmallows se pun intr-un vas si se incalzeste la microunde (3 minute).Se amesteca(devine o pasta lipicioasa) si se adauga 250 zahar.Se amesteca si se framanta cu restul de zahar.Se infasura in folie de plastic si se pune la rece.
In poze torturile la care am folosit reteta de fondant si posesorii lor.

Tort pentru o printesa mica DARIA

A Cake for a young gentleman Bogdan

Tips: Pentru modelat in fondant trebuie sa aveti la indemana amidon pentru pudrat mainile si framantat fondantul
God bless the children and their joy and give me the inspiration to make many more cakes for them and everyone else.

Marshmallow fondant

Three years ago, when finally I had enough strength to stand, the idea of continuing my mother’s tradition to bake at the end of the week crossed my mind .

Then I didn’t imagine that I would find so many provocative challenges ,and so many talented women ready to share with anyone their baking experience.

So after a willful training on forum and on the glorious You tube I discovered the famous marshmallow fondant .

I’ve discovered that this study period was beneficial when I started tu use tha fondant to “dress up” the cakes I made for children and grown-ups ,as well as when I started to mak flowers and figures that I saw made from gum paste or sugar paste on other famous cakes.

I saw that my fondant was easy to handle and easy to mold, completely unpretentious ,remains elastic even after you let it for a while in the fridge,the flowers made from it stiff after you let them dry,and most of all, doesn’t stick to the hands or plastic gloves.

I used it for everything I could think of and it behave the same every time. You can color it easily whether it is 100 grams or a tone.

Above all ,it has a nice taste, not just “fainting sweet”, keeping the flavor of the base material- the lovely marshmallows.

As for the cost,it is much cheaper than the one you can buy from a shop(a lot mooooooooore expensive, and plane as taste is considered- unfortunately)

You can make it, mold it, etc…when you have time and use when you need it, for example when you forgot that is the birthday of your best friend’s husband and you want to make a spectacular cake as fast as you can.

Joking or not I experimented this fondant recipe and used it for anniversary cakes, engagement party cakes…etc.(posts will follow) and it never failed me.

I wish you the best of luck in using it,and may it help you as much as it helped me.

Simple recipe:
150 gr.marshmallow
500 gr.confectioners sugar
Heat 150 gr de marshmallows in the microwave (3 minutes).Mix until smooth and add 250gr.of sugar. Mix and add the rest of the sugar. Wrap in plastic foil and put in the fridge.

Tips: For shapping the fondant you will need to have corn starch at hand to mold it and to powder your hands.
In the pictures the cakes I made using the fondant...and the owners.

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