Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ce citesc mai nou pe web

Uite ca din ce in ce mai des si cu mai mare interes studiez obiceiurile culinare de prin alte tari mai mult sau mai putin de soare pline ...

Ca tot a inceput postul mare iar saptamana trecuta cautam retete de post ,cu imagini bineinteles am ramas placut surprinsa cat de bine si de frumos gatesc romancele.

Cam 90% din multele bloguri culinare cu autoare romance au peste 100 de hits pe zi si tot cam atatea sunt in topul blogurilor culinare.

Bravo fetelor si tot respectul...

Sunteti o inspiratie pentru mine si imi dati curaj.

Dintotdeauna visul meu a fost sa am o cofetarie.
Intre timp am crescut mare am supravietuit unei incercari majore dar mi-am pastrat pasiunea pentru prajiturit si bucatarit.
Am invatat singura si incapatanarea mea m-a ajutat sa "aduc pe lume" minunate briose ,bijuteriile numite "cupcakes"si mai ales torturile mele care imi sunt cele mai dragi.

Multumesc fetelor , in special lui Lily pentru sfatul bun si pentru tot ajutorul, si lui Cassie pentru cele mai delicioase retete de "cupcakes".

Cu mare drag va promit ca am sa incerc sa fac din acest blog un loc pentru de stat la cafea si povesti frumoase asa cum stau prietenele la taifas intr-o bucatarie oarecare.

Look how ,as often as I can, and with great interest I study the cooking habits from far and more or less sunny countries…
Because we’ve just started fasting since the Lent before Easter began last week, I’ve surfed the web searching for vegetarian recipes ,with pictures of course and I was extremely pleasantly surprised how well and beautiful cook the Romanian women.

90% of the culinary blogs with Romanian authors have 100 hits per day and quite as many are in the culinary blogs top.

You are an inspiration and you give me courage.

My dream has always been to have a confectionary of my own.
Meanwhile I grew up, survived a major challenge, but I’ve kept my passion for baking and cooking.
I’ve learned by myself and strong-headed as I am I’ve succeeded to bring into the world marvelous muffins, the jewels called cupcakes and especially my cakes which are the dearest of my heart.

Thank you girls, especially Lily for the good advice and all the help, and Cassie for the most delicious cupcake recipes.

I promise you that I will turn this blog in a place to share coffee and stories as girlfriends share inside a familiar kitchen.

1 comment:

sushman said...

foarte bune ,am mancat si eu din ele,hhmmm....mai vreau .....