Thursday, June 4, 2009

June strawberry roll cake/Rulada cu capsuni de iunie

June Strawberry roll cake

The first strawberry cake I make every summer is this light and easy cottage cheese strawberry cake.
Nothing complicated nothing fancy, just a plane yellow cake and cheese-strawberry-cream filling with a drop of…gelatin.

Don’t be scared it’s very easy to make.
For 2 roll cakes.

Sponge cake:
10 eggs
10 spoons of sugar
10 spoons of flour
4 spoons of vegetable oil
2 tsp of baking powder

Sponge cake :
Beat de egg whites until stiff ,add the sugar, keep beating until very stiff . Add the egg yolks mixing gently, the oil and the flour mixed with baking powder.
Preheat the oven at medium heat.
Grease and line with baking paper a tray. Bake 20-25 min or until the toothpick test.
Cool down.

Cut it in two layers while it is still slightly warm.
Roll each layer in parchment paper.
Let it cool completely

500 g cottage cheese
200 g granulated sugar
2 tsp vanilla essence
400 g strawberries
300 ml heavy cream (I use vegetal)
10 g of granulated gelatin
150 ml water

Cream the cheese with sugar ,heavy cream, vanilla and 200g of mashed strawberries.
Soak the gelatin in water.
Cut the rest of the strawberries in small pieces.
Liquefy the gelatin in the microwave or on bain marie…very short(careful not to let it boil)
Mix the gelatin with the cheese cream and strawberries.

Unroll the sponge cake and fill. Roll back and chill for a few hours.
You can powder with powder sugar, cocoa or dress it up with chocolate
I left mine “nature”
It is delicious and a very light summer cake.

Rulada cu capsuni de iunie

Prima prajitura cu capsuni a fiecarei veri este aceasta usoara si pufoasa rulada cu capsuni si branza de vaci.
Nimic elaborat si nimic complicat, doar un blat de chec si un amestec de branza capsuni si frisca cu un strop de …gelatina.

Nu va speriati e foarte usor si e delicioasa.
Pentru 2 rulade

10 oua
10 linguri de zahar
10 linguri de faina
4 linguri de ulei vegetal
1 praf de copt

Pregatire:Se bat albusurile spuma,se adauga zaharul si se bate in continuare pana se tine. Se adauga galbenusurile amestecand usor,uleiul si apoi treptat faina amestecata cu praful de copt .Se incalzeste cuptorul pe treapta din mijloc.Aluatul se pune in tava unsa si tapetata cu hartie de copt.Se coace 20-25 de minute sau pana iese scobitoarea curata.

Se raceste si se taie pe doua straturi.
Fiecare strat se ruleaza caldut in hartie de copt. Se raceste complet.

500 g branza de vaci
200 gr de zahar
1 esenta de vanilie
400 gr de capsuni
300 ml frisca vegetala
2 plicuri de gelatina (10 gr.)
150 ml apa.

Branza se freaca cu zaharul , frisca ,vanilie si 200gr de capsuni facuti piure.Se omogenizeaza bine cu mixerul pana devine o crema.
Gelatina se pune la inmuiat in apa.
Restul de capsuni de taie marunt.
Gelatina se lichefiaza in cuptorul cu microunde sau pe aburi…foarte scurt(cu grija sa nu fiarba)
Gelatina se amesteca cu crema de branza si restul de capsuni.

Se desfac foile de blat si se umplu cu crema si se ruleaza la loc.
Se taie a doua zi.
Se poate pudra cu zahar praf, cacao sau orna cu ciocolata.
A mea a fost “natur”.
E foarte buna si e o prajitura usoara de vara.

1 comment:

ionut said...

misto site ;) vreau si eu un link la tine te rog !! daca vrei .. add id meu wsregele !!