Sunday, April 5, 2009

Danube waves cake/Prajitura valurile Dunarii

Easter project
Stage 1

I dedicated this weekend to a German recipe that I’ve tried last year and which reminds me of Bavaria and in the meantime a period of my life that asked me for a lot of courage.
I’m fond of making it because it has 2 ingredients so very dear to me, which combined bring to life an un-equalizing symphony of taste – chocolate and sour cherries.

Danube waves cake

Ingredients and method:

Soft cake:
5 large eggs
180 gr. white sugar
200 gr soft butter
230 gr. white flour
100 ml milk
2 tsp cocoa
150 gr. sour cherries (fresh, frozen, stewed or from liquor)
2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp vanilla essence
2 tsp rum essence
Preheat the oven on medium heat ,grease and line the tray with baking paper.

Cream the butter. Add the sugar, the vanilla and the egg yolks .
Pour in ½ of he flour mixed with the baking powder. Add the milk and next the rest of the flour mixture.
Beat the egg whites until stiff and fold them gently into the mixture.
Pour ¾ of the mixture in the tray .In ¼ add the cocoa and the rum essence. Pour on top of the other mixture and level.
Spread the sour cherries all over the mixture.
Bake for 25-30 min or until the toothpick test. Let it cool.

1 unit of vanilla pudding(50 gr.)
400 ml milk
200 gr. soften butter
6 spoons of sugar( I reduced to 4)
1 vanilla essence

Prepare the pudding following the instruction. Cool down.
Cream the butter. Add the pudding gradually mixing well after every addition until the cream is light and fluffy. Add the vanilla.

100 gr dark chocolate
10 ml cream
Break the chocolate to small pieces, add the cream and warm up in he microwave or on bain-marie. Mix until smooth and cool down until slightly warm.

Spread the vanilla cream on the cooled soft cake.
Spread the chocolate glaze on top of the cream very carefully.
Cool the cake in the fridge before cutting it.

Very easy to make and very delicious.

Proiect pentru Paste
Etapa I

Acest weekend l-am dedicat unei retete de traditie germana pe care am incercat-o si anul trecut dar care imi aduce aminte de Bavaria si in acelasi timp de o perioada din viata mea care mi-a cerut mult curaj.
O pregatesc cu drag pentru ca contine 2 ingrediente foarte dragi mie ,din a caror combinatie se naste o simfonie de gust inegalabila – ciocolata si visinele.

Prajitura Valurile Dunarii

Ingrediente si pregatire:

5 oua mari
180 gr. zahar
200 gr unt
230 gr. faina alba
100 ml lapte
2 lingurite de cacao
150 gr. visine (proaspete, congelate, din compot sau visinata)
1 praf de copt
1 vanilie
1 fiola esenta de rom

Se preincalzeste cuptorul pe treapta medie si tava se unge si tapeteazacu hartie de copt.

Untul se freaca spuma .Se adauga zaharul ,vanilia,apoi galbenusurile.
La crema de unt si ou se adauga ½ din faina amestecata cu praful de copt si apoi laptele urmat de a doua parte din amestecul de faina.
Se bat albusurile spuma si se adauga cu grija la compozitie
¾ din compozitie se pune in tava.1/4 se amesteca cu cacao si rom si se repartizeaza uniform pe compozitia din tava.
Visinele se scurg si se imprastie p toata suprafata aluatului.
Coaceti 25-30 de min sau pana la proba scobitorii.Se raceste.

1 praf de budinca de vanilie
400 ml lapte
200 unt
6 linguri de zahar( eu am pus 4)
1 esenta de vanilie.

Se prepara budinca conform indicatiilor de pe ambalaj. Se raceste.
Se spumeaza untul si se adauga rand pe rand budinca amestecand foarte bine dupa fiecare adaugare.
Se adauga vanilia si ce amesteca pana compozitia devine o crema pufoasa.
100 gr ciocolata amaruie
10 ml frisca
Se rupe ciocolata in bucati , se adauga frisca si se incalzeste la microunde sau in bain-marie.Se amesteca pana la omogenizare si se continua pana se racoreste putin.

Blatul racit se unge cu crema de vanilie.
Glazura racorita se intinde cu grija peste crema.
Prajitura se raceste in frigider inainte de taiere.

E foarte usor si repede de facut si foarte delicioasa.

1 comment:

How To Eat A Cupcake said...

Mmmm it looks so delicious!