Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Mazurek – Un Pic Altfel / Mazurek - a Little Different

Din nou prajitura cu branza de vaca …Ce sa fac? Sunt un pic obsedata de textura perfecta asa ca incerc tot felul de retete.
Mazurek este o prajitura poloneza care se face de obicei la Pasti sau alte sarbatori si seamana ceva ceva cu o combinatie intre un cheesecake si o pasca
Reteta originala nu suna exact cum imi placea mie asa ca am adaptat-o.

Ingrediente :


300gr unt sau margarina 60% grasime
525 gr faina
100gr zahar
1 praf de copt
3 galbenusuri


3 albusuri
200 gr zahar
500gr branza de vaci
200 ml frisca
1 praf zahar vanilat ( sau esenta)
Gem de capsuni ( fructe de padure)



Toate ingredientele se amesteca pana la obtinerea unui aluat dens dar farimicios.
¾ din aluat se intinde cu mana in tava neunsa cat mai uniform posibil. Se ridica o margine ingusta.
Restul de aluat se pune intr-o punga de nailon si se lasa in congelator.


Aluatul din tava se unge cu gem.
Se bat albusurile spuma tare cu zahar , se adauga frisca lichida si branza de vaca si se bate in continuare.
Se adauga vanilia.
Crema rezultata se intinde peste stratul de gem.
Se scoate aluatul ramas din congelator si se rade fulgi mari (pe razatoare de branza ) astfel incat sa acopere toata suprafata cremei de branza.
Se coace pe treapta 1 a cuptorului cu gaz 40-45 minute sau pana devine aurie si umplutura se clatina usor.
Rece se pudreaza cu zahar pudra.

English recipe 

Again cottage cheese cake ... What to do? I'm a little obsessed with perfect texture so I try all kinds of recipes.
Mazurek is a Polish cake which is usually baked for Easter and other holidays and it is something like a combination between a cheesecake and a Easter bread.
The original recipe did not sound exactly like I liked it so I adapted it.



300gr butter or margarine 60% ​​fat
525 g flour
100g sugar
1 tsp baking powder
3 yolks


3 egg whites
200 gr sugar
Cottage Cheese ( or cream cheese) 500gr
200 ml cream
1 tsp vanilla sugar (or essence)
Strawberry jam (or any berry jam)



Mix all ingredients until you get a thick but crumble like dough.
¾ of the dough is spread by hand in an ungreased baking pan as evenly as possible. Raise a narrow margin.
The remaining dough is placed in a nylon bag and left in the freezer.


Spread dough layer inside the pan with jam.
Beat egg whites with sugar until stiff, add cream and cottage cheese and keep beating.
Stir in vanilla.
The resulting cream is spread over jam layer.
Remove the remaining dough from freezer and shave big flakes (on the cheese grater) so as to cover the entire surface of the cheese filling.
Bake 40-45 minutes or until golden brown and filling is shaking slightly. ( gas oven lowest temperature)
When cool powder with icing sugar.

1 comment: said...

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