Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Quiche Cu Ce Ai Prin Frigider

Quiche sau cea mai populara forma de tarta sarata cu aluat frantuzesc este probabil cea mai iubita mancare de catre familiile care cauta o alternative la pizza sau de catre doamnele care iubesc forma de tarta si bucuria de a pune pe masa ceva savuros se delicat.
Cum eu personal sunt fana cascavalului Sofia de la Delaco , sunt bineinteles si pasionata de ideea unei tarte perfecte , hranitoare si aspectoase la care sa il folosesc.
Deci iata si o reteta de quiche , rapida si extreme de gustoasa facuta : eins , zwei, drei…cum imi place mie sa descriu retele care se fac iute si sunt bine de tinut minte.


Aluat de tarta:

400gr faina
200gr unt sau margarina cu 60% grasime
Un praf de sare
Apa foarte rece ( aprox. 100ml)


200 gr sunca slaba ( in cazul de fata sunca de Praga)
200gr kaizer ( sau sunculita taraneasca)
1 ceapa alba ( mare)
1 lg ulei de masline
3 oua
200ml frisca neindulcita ( Lidl)
200gr cascaval ras( Sofia de la Delaco J )



Faina , untul si sarea se framanta. Se adauga cate putina apa pana cand aluatul primeste consitenta si se desprinde de pe vas fara sa fie lipicios.
Aluatul se intind in forma de tarta . Se inteapa cu furculita si se pune in frigider ( 15-20 minute)


Se toaca marunt sunca si kaizerul. Se toaca ceapa.
Intr-o tigaie se pune uleiul si ceapa. Se celeste pana devine aurie. Se adauga carnea si se mai prajeste cateva minute. Se ia de pe foc si se lasa sa se racoreasca.
Ouale se bat cu sare, si piper. Se adauga frisca lichida.
Se scoate tava cu aluatul din frigider. Se distribuie uniform compozitia de carne si ceapa.
Se toarna amestecul de oua si frisca si se presara branza rasa.
Se coace 25-30 min in cuptorul cu gaz treapta 1…sau pana devine aurie.

 Quiche With What You Have Inside Your Fridge

The Quiche, the most popular form of tart with salted dough is probably the most loved French food by families seeking an alternative to pizza or the ladies who love the idea of bringing joy by putting something delicate and delicious on the table.
I am personally a fan of Sofia Cheese from Delaco and passionate about the idea of creating dishes and tarts I can use this cheese for.
So here is a recipe for a quiche, quick and extremely tasty, made​​: Eins, zwei, drei ... as I like to describe  the recipes that are quickly and easy to remember.


Tart dough:

400gr flour
200g butter or margarine with 60% fat
A pinch of salt
Cold water (about 100ml)


200 g lean ham
200g bacon
1 white onion (large)
Olive oil 1 large spoon
3 eggs
200ml unsweetened whipped cream
200g grated cheese



Knead together flour, salt and butter. Add a little water until dough receives consistency and is no longer sticky.
Stretch dough in the tart shell. Prick with a fork and place in refrigerator (15-20 minutes)


Finely chop the bacon and ham. Chop the onion.
In a pan put the oil and onion. Roast until golden. Add the meat and cook a few minutes longer. Remove from heat and let cool.
Beat the eggs with salt and pepper. Add the liquid cream.
Remove the dough from the refrigerator tray. Evenly distribute the meat and onion mixture.
Pour the egg and cream mixture and sprinkle with grated cheese.
Bake 25-30 min in gas oven ( lowest temperature) ... or until golden.

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