Daca dam un search pe Google cu tema “cheese cake” apar minunate torturi ,majoritatea americane ,cu diferite denumiri, cochet si stilat prezentate , cu atingere de frisca si sirop de fructe, care te duc cu gandul la super stilatele cofetarii frantuzesti de pe strazile Parisului sau la ceainariile “vintage”din Marea Britanie.
Pentru mine ,cea ma draga amintire e prajitura cu branza de vaca a mamei,pe care asteptam cu ochii mari sa o vad scoasa din cuptor ,mirosind a coaja de lamaie ,aburind si asteptand voalul de zahar praf si cutitul mamei ,subtire si de multe ori ascutit, sa imparta minunea din tava in felii subtiri care se raceau pe farfurie sub ochii mei nerabdatori de copil.
Pe vremea aceea, branza de vaca era perfect “organica”,adica obtinuta direct din lapte acru ,pus la prins in casa in vase largi si apoi incalzita si strecurata in tifonul pe care mama il spala si fierbea sa indeparteze orice pericol de alterare.
Branza statea la scurs o zi iar apoi era depozitata in frigider asteptand sansa minunata sa devina prajitura...
In lumea moderna in care traim ,acum cand pe rafturile cu produse lactate ale magazinelor sortimentele de branza dulce se alinta cu nume celebre de “cream cheese”,”low fat” si ”mascarpone” ,prajitura cu branza de vaca a mamei pare o imagine desueta dintr-un carnet de gospodina din vremuri de mult trecute, dar pentru totdeauna una din putinele amintiri “dulci” din copilaria mea.
Cu scuzele de rigoare pentru nostalgia din randurile mele, vreau sa impart cu voi desertul sambetei care a trecut,o combinatie indrazneata de branza dulce,jeleu de fructe si ciocolata extrem de usor de facut si deosebit de fina, ideala pentru familie cu copii sau pentru o sueta cu prietenii duminica dupa-amiaza.
Tort de ciocolata cu branza de vaca , mascarpone si jeleu de coacaze rosii
6 oua
6 linguri de zahar tos
6 linguri de faina
2 linguri de ulei
3 linguri de cacao
1 praf de copt
250 g de branza de vaca
150 g mascarpone(se poate inlocui cu frisca)
200g zahar praf (eu am pus 150g)
½ borcan de jeleu de coacaze rosii
70g ciocolata cu lapte
70g cicolata amaruie.
Preparare :
Se bat albusurile spuma pana se tine ,se adauga zaharul si se bate in continuare pana spuma sta teapana.
Se adauga galbenusurile si uleiul,amestecand cu grija.
Faina amestecata cu cacao si praf de copt se adauga lingura cu lingura.
Se preincalzeste cuptorul la foc mediu.
Se unge o forma de tort de 25cm cu ulei si se tapeteaza cu faina sau hartie de copt.
Se pune compozitia in forma si se coace 25-30 de minute sau pana cand iese scobitoarea curata la incercat.
Se amesteca branza de vaca cu mascarpone (sau frisca) si zahar amestecand cu mixerul pana la omogenizare.
Blatul copt se racoreste 5 minute in forma ,dupa care se indeparteaza forma si se raceste complet.
Blatul racit se taie pe trei nivele.
Nivelul de baza se unge cu jeleu de fructe si se pune ½ de crema.
Se continua cu blat , jeleu si cea de-a doua jumatate de crema.
Peste ultimul blat se pune jeleu de fructe.
Ciocolata se rupe si se pune intr-o punga rezistenta de nailon in cuptorul cu microunde si se topeste la temperatura redusa.Se poate topi si in bain-marie.
Peste stratul de gem se toarna ciocolata si se lasa sa curga in firisoare pe margine.
Stratul de ciocolata se modeleaza cu lingura.
Tortul se poate monta si ca prajitura .
Se lasa peste noapte in frigider.
P>S> E moale si proaspat ca primavara,si te face sa te gandesti la iaurt inghetat si inghetata de fructe de padure cu un strop de ciocolata.
Cottage cheese is a permanent source of inspiration , with countless possibilities through which you can improve your baking skills.
If we Google “cheese cake” we find wonderful cakes, mostly American, under different names, presented fancy and stylish , with a touch of cream and fruit sauce, which make you think about the super stylish French confectioneries on the streets of Paris or of the “vintage” tea parlors from Great Britain.
For me, the dearest memory is my mothers cottage cheese cake, which I was expecting, wide eyed, to come out of the oven, smelling like lemon zest, warm and waiting the powdered sugar veil, and mother’s knife, so thin from often sharpening ,to divide the marvel in the tray in thin slices, which cooled down on a plate under my un-patient child eyes.
Those days ,cottage cheese was perfectly “organic”, meaning made out of home made sour milk, by letting the milk to sour in wide bowls, then warming it and draining the buttermilk through a gauze that mother use to boil before use in order to sterilize it.
The cheese was drained for a day and after that stored in a fridge waiting the wondress opportunity to become cake.
In the modern world we live in, now when on the dairy shelves of the stores the types of sweet cheese are showing of famous names of “cream cheese”, ”low fat”, and “mascarpone”, mother’s cheese cake seems a dusty image from an old housewife baking notebook, but forever one of the few “sweet” memories of my childhood.
Apologizing for the wistfulness in my present post ,I want to share with you last Saturday’s desert, a bold combination of cottage cheese, mascarpone, fruit jelly and chocolate, extremely easy to make ,so very smooth and ideal for a family with children or for a chat with friends on a Sunday afternoon.
Chocolate cake with cottage cheese ,mascarpone and red currant jelly
If we Google “cheese cake” we find wonderful cakes, mostly American, under different names, presented fancy and stylish , with a touch of cream and fruit sauce, which make you think about the super stylish French confectioneries on the streets of Paris or of the “vintage” tea parlors from Great Britain.
For me, the dearest memory is my mothers cottage cheese cake, which I was expecting, wide eyed, to come out of the oven, smelling like lemon zest, warm and waiting the powdered sugar veil, and mother’s knife, so thin from often sharpening ,to divide the marvel in the tray in thin slices, which cooled down on a plate under my un-patient child eyes.
Those days ,cottage cheese was perfectly “organic”, meaning made out of home made sour milk, by letting the milk to sour in wide bowls, then warming it and draining the buttermilk through a gauze that mother use to boil before use in order to sterilize it.
The cheese was drained for a day and after that stored in a fridge waiting the wondress opportunity to become cake.
In the modern world we live in, now when on the dairy shelves of the stores the types of sweet cheese are showing of famous names of “cream cheese”, ”low fat”, and “mascarpone”, mother’s cheese cake seems a dusty image from an old housewife baking notebook, but forever one of the few “sweet” memories of my childhood.
Apologizing for the wistfulness in my present post ,I want to share with you last Saturday’s desert, a bold combination of cottage cheese, mascarpone, fruit jelly and chocolate, extremely easy to make ,so very smooth and ideal for a family with children or for a chat with friends on a Sunday afternoon.
Chocolate cake with cottage cheese ,mascarpone and red currant jelly
Soft cake:
6 eggs
6 Tbs sugar
6 Tbs flour(regular)
2 Tbs vegetable oil
3 Tbs cocoa
1 unit of baking powder (2 tsp)
250 g cottage cheese
150 g mascarpone(you can substitute with heavy cream)
200g powdered sugar (I used 150g)
½ jar of red currant jelly (or any kind of fruit jelly or jam you like)
70g milk chocolate
70g dark chocolate.
Method :
Beat the egg whites until stiff, add the sugar and keep on beating till stiffer.
Add the egg yolks and the oil, mixing carefully.
Add the flour mixed with cocoa and baking powder, spoon by spoon.
Preheat the oven on medium.
Grease a 25 cm cake pan or tray, powder with flour or line with baking paper.
Put the batter in the pan and bake for 25-30 min or until the toothpick comes out clean
Mix the cottage cheese with mascarpone (or cream) and sugar using an electric mixer until smooth.
Cool the baked soft cake for 5 min in the pan, remove the pan and cool down completely.
Cut it on three layers.
Spread fruit jelly on the base layer and ½ of the filling on top of the jelly.
The same for the second layer.
On the third spread only jelly.
Ciocolata se rupe si se pune intr-o punga rezistenta de nailon in cuptorul cu microunde si se topeste la temperatura redusa.Se poate topi si in bain-marie.
Break the chocolate into small pieces and melt in the microvave or on bain-marie.
Pour the chocolate mixture on top of the cake and let it drip over edges.
Mold the chocolate layer on top with a spoon.
You can assemble the cake as and ordinary tray cake.
Cool overnight in the fridge.
P>S> It is moist and fresh like spring, makes you think at frozen yoghurt and berry ice cream with a hint of chocolate.
Soft cake:
6 eggs
6 Tbs sugar
6 Tbs flour(regular)
2 Tbs vegetable oil
3 Tbs cocoa
1 unit of baking powder (2 tsp)
250 g cottage cheese
150 g mascarpone(you can substitute with heavy cream)
200g powdered sugar (I used 150g)
½ jar of red currant jelly (or any kind of fruit jelly or jam you like)
70g milk chocolate
70g dark chocolate.
Method :
Beat the egg whites until stiff, add the sugar and keep on beating till stiffer.
Add the egg yolks and the oil, mixing carefully.
Add the flour mixed with cocoa and baking powder, spoon by spoon.
Preheat the oven on medium.
Grease a 25 cm cake pan or tray, powder with flour or line with baking paper.
Put the batter in the pan and bake for 25-30 min or until the toothpick comes out clean
Mix the cottage cheese with mascarpone (or cream) and sugar using an electric mixer until smooth.
Cool the baked soft cake for 5 min in the pan, remove the pan and cool down completely.
Cut it on three layers.
Spread fruit jelly on the base layer and ½ of the filling on top of the jelly.
The same for the second layer.
On the third spread only jelly.
Ciocolata se rupe si se pune intr-o punga rezistenta de nailon in cuptorul cu microunde si se topeste la temperatura redusa.Se poate topi si in bain-marie.
Break the chocolate into small pieces and melt in the microvave or on bain-marie.
Pour the chocolate mixture on top of the cake and let it drip over edges.
Mold the chocolate layer on top with a spoon.
You can assemble the cake as and ordinary tray cake.
Cool overnight in the fridge.
P>S> It is moist and fresh like spring, makes you think at frozen yoghurt and berry ice cream with a hint of chocolate.
Mmm I've never had a cheesecake with cottage cheese. I always make mine with cream cheese. But this looks very yummy! :D
Iti doresc o primavara frumoasa!
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