Thursday, March 12, 2009

Tort Diplomat sau aventura cu gelatina si frisca/Diplomacy cake or gelatin and cream adventure

Preferatele mele dintre torturile pe care le fac sunt torturile pentru aniversari.
Din multele ocazii care se ivesc si pentru care fac aceste torturi cea mai amuzanta e ziua nepoatei mele. Dupa mai nou extrem de popularul obicei ca incepand de la 6 ani copiilor sa li se tina ziua la un local oarecare cu o multime de prieteni si rude ( bine fac ca si asa petrecem pana suntem tineri…si cam atat) parintii fetei inchiriaza in fiecare an o sala pentru petrecerea Alexandrei. Mi-e imi revine placuta datorie sa fac torturile (pentru ca sunt doua de fiecare data) pe care gasca vesela si numeroasa sa le consume pe post de desert. Stim cu totii cum sunt copii cand vine vorba de dulce. Partea amuzanta e ca pentru circa 36-40 de copii trebuie facute 2 torturi XXL (eu le spun tort “Monstru” dupa celebrele Monster truck –fara nici o legatura bineinteles poate doar ca greutate). Alexandra se topeste dupa diplomat cu fructe asa ca diplomat cu fructe facem. Pana anul acesta ornam torturile cu pungi de nailon taiate la colt in fel si chip sa fie cat mai spectaculoase. In acest an am primit un set de varfuri si duiuri pentru ornat (ca tot am invatat de la Lily cum sa fac trandafiri) si in concluzie am ornat torturile in ultra mare viteza folosind respectivul set.

Ei acum urmeaza cea mai tare faza.
Fata mea pe cand sa taie tortul ,obisnuita fiind ca decorurile sunt din fondant si de obicei le mananca cei mici si de obicei dupa petrecere ,a vrut sa ia cu mana trandafirii si sa ii puna separat. Va imaginati ce rasete si nebunie au urmat. Uite si reteta:

Tort Diplomat cu fructe:
Pentru un tort.
6 oua
6 linguri de zahar
7 linguri de faina
2 linguri de ulei
1 praf de copt
Crema diplomat:
1 l de frisca vegetala ( eu folosesc Maestro ,din ratiune de pret dar se poate cu oricare)
4 linguri de zahar
2 conserve de compot de fructe(sau una -depinde cat de "fructat" va place)
3 plicuri de gelatina/15 g (eu am folosit Dr. Oetker)
15ml apa
500ml frisca
colorant alimentar(al meu e de la Wilton,dar este si mai ieftin)
Se bat albusururile spuma ,se aduga zahar si se bate in continuare pana se tine spuma.
Se adauga galbenusurile si uleiul amestecand usor.
Se adauga faina amestecata cu praful de copt.(lingura cu lingura)

Se unge si tapeteaza cu faina sau hartie de copt o forma de tort .
Se pune compozitia de blat in forma.
Se coace in cuptorul preincalzit aproximativ 20-25 de minute sau pana iese curata scobitoarea dupa incercare.

Se lasa 5 minute in forma dupa care se scoate si se raceste.
Gelatina se inmoaie in apa si se lasa 15 min.
Se bate frisca cu zaharul pana formeaza varfuri(nu foarte tepene)
Gelatina inmuiata se lichefiaza in bain-marie sau in cuptorul cu microunde.(la microunde se lichefiaza repede - atentie sa nu fiarba)
Gelatina se adauga la frisca in fir subtire amestecand continuu pana la omogenizare(frisca are tendinta sa se intareasca).

Blatul de taie in doua pe mijloc.
Forma in care a fost blatul se tapeteaza cu nailon,celofan sau orice antiadeziv.
Conservele de fructe se desfac si se scurge siropul.
Pe fundul formei tapetate cu nailon se pune un strat de fructe.
Deasupra o jumatate din cantitatea de frisca.
Urmeaza prima jumatate de blat care se insiropeaza cu siropul de la compot(cand tortul nu e pentru copii se poate adauga la sirop vermut sau brandy)
Se continua cu fructe apoi restul de frisca si ultimul blat.
Forma se pune acoperita in frigider si se lasa ½ ora (dupa cest interval e perfect inchegat si usor de manipulat)
Torturile inainte de ornare.

Tortul se rastoarna pe un platou. Se indeparteaza folia.
Se bate frisca pentru ornat. O parte se ia separat (cam de cata credeti ca aveti nevoie)si se coloreaza dupa preferinta.
Tortul se imbraca in frisca si se orneaza cu trandafiri sau orice altceva vreti voi.
P>S> Pana in urma cu 4 ani aveam "fobia gelatinei". Am scapat de ea cu aceasta reteta de diplomat si de atunci ea(gelatina) si cu mine ne intelegem foarte bine.
Tortul se poate face si mai mic reducand cantitatile.
Bucurati-va de el si pentru detalii va stau la dispozitie.
Numai bine va doresc.

Finish in blue

English Version:(dedicated to Cassie and Andre , my dear inspiring friends)
Of all the cakes I'm baking my very favourite are birthday cakes.
Out of the many occasions for which I’m making cakes, the funniest is the birthday of my niece.
Following the recent popular habit, that beginning with the age of 6 children birthdays should be celebrated at a restaurant with a lot of friends and relatives (good for them since we only party while we are young…and that’s it) the girl’s parents rent a place every year for Alexandra’s party.

I get the pleasant opportunity to make the birthday cakes (2 every time) which the happy gang devours as desert.
We all know how children are when sweets are concerned.
The most amusing part is that for 36-40 children must be done 2 XXL cakes (I call them Monster Cakes, after the famous Monster trucks – no connection of course excepting maybe for the weight)

Alexandra loves Fruit Diplomacy Cake so Diplomacy Cake it is.
Before this year I was decorating he cakes with plastic bags, cut in a corner in different forms to make the ornaments spectacular.

This year I received a Wilton decorating tip set (since I’ve learned from Lily to make roses) and in conclusion I used them to decorate the cakes in great speed.

And now the coolest thing.
My girl about to cut the cake, used to fondant decorations that the little ones eat at the end, and usually after the party, wanted to remove by hand the roses in order to put them separately. You can imagine the commotion and laughter that followed…
And the recipe:

Diplomacy Cake with fruit:


For one cake.
Soft cake:
6 eggs
6 spoons of sugar
7 spoons of flour
2 spoons of vegetable oil
1 baking powder unit ( 2 tsp)
Diplomacy cream: 1 l of vegetable cream or heavy cream ( I use Maestro ,the reason is the price but you can use whatever)
4 spoons of sugar
2 cans of fruit compote (or one – depends how “fruity” do you want it)
3 units of gelatine/15 g (I used Dr. Oetker)
15ml water

500ml cream (vegetable or plain)
Food coloring (mine is Wilton, but there is cheaper)

Soft cake:
Beat the egg whites till stiff, add the sugar and keep beating till very stiff.
Add the egg yolks and oil mixing gently.
Add the flour mixed with the baking powder.

Grease a cake pan and powder with flour or use baking paper.
Put the mixture in the pan.
Bake for 20-25 minutes or till the toothpick comes out clean.

Leave to cool 5 minutes and remove from the pan to cool completely.

Diplomacy cream:
Soften the gelatin into water for 15 min.
Beat the cream with sugar till it forms very soft peaks.
Liquefy the gelatin in the microwave or on bain-marie (in microwave is quickly done –don’t let it boil)
Add the melted gelatin in thin stream to the beaten cream. (Cream becomes stiffer)

Cut the soft cake in two at the middle.
Wallpaper the cake pan with plastic foil.
Open the fruit cans and drain the syrup.
On the bottom of the cake pan put a layer of fruit.
On top of it put half of the cream composition.
It follows the first half of the soft cake softened with the fruit syrup (when the cake isn’t made for children you can add vermouth or brandy to the syrup)
Next put the rest of the fruit,after the rest of the cream and in the end the last piece of soft cake.
Put the covered pan in the fridge for ½ hour (after this time is perfectly stiff and easy to handle) Turn the cake upside down on a plate and remove the plastic foil.

Beat the decorating cream. Put aside a part of it (depends on how much do you need for decorating) and color it.
Cover the cake with the whipped cream and decorate with roses or with whatever you feel like.
P>S> Until 4 years ago I had “gelatin phobia” .I got rid of it with this cake recipe and from then on me and her(the gelatin) are getting along perfectly.

You can make the cake smaller by reducing the quantities .

Enjoy and I’m here for details.

All the best.


How To Eat A Cupcake said...

Wow those cakes look GREAT! You did a terrific job on the roses too! :D

Unknown said...

Thank u Cassie...
Too bad u are so far ...
I'll invite u to try it...
But who knows...maybe someday...

Lily said...

Felicitari pentru torturi! Imi plac mult trandafirii,sunt foarte reusiti! Keep it up!
P.S. Te-am trecut in lista mea de bloguri prietene :)

Unknown said...

Un regal in bucatarie! Arata super, culmea sunt si delicioase! Atentie, celor ce doresc sa incerce cure de slabire! Trandafirii sunt superbi!

Unknown said...

Multumesc pentru apreciere, Lily.

Si mai ales pentru dovada de prietenie.

A very special gift,from a fair and special lady.