Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Felii cu Rom / Rum Slices

As spune …felii cu dragoste pentru aroma unica de rom a copilariei pe care am redescoperit-o recent datorita unei prietene dragi Nicoleta si sotului ei Iulian Suciu. J
La o discutie am aflat ca Cosseli Superesenta de Rom ( valabil si la vanilie) ofera acel gust de rom pe care generatia 80-90 ( me included) il tine minte  cu mare drag.
Asa ca a fost musai si abolut necesar sa fac prajitura asta pe care n-am facut-o de mai bine de un an de zile …din lipsa de …aroma potrivita.
Asa ca …here  goes:



10 oua
10 linguri de zahar
10 linguri de faina
5 linguri de ulei ( floarea soarelui)
2 lingurite praf de copt


½ blat copt, racit si faramitat
200gr unt ( sau margarina)
200gr nuci macinate ( alune, migdale, macademia…etc)
4-6 linguri de cacao
6 linguri de zahar ( poti pune mai mult daca vrei mai dulce)
1 sticluta esenta de rom ( Cosseli superesenta, Cosmin superesenta)
2 linguri de rom negru
6 linguri gem de caise


Glazura instant de ciocolata neagra



Se  bat albusurile spuma, se adauga zaharul si se bate pana spuma e teapana. Se adauga galbenbusurile si uleiul amestecand cu un tel. Se adauga faina amestecat cu prafde copt.
Se coace intr-o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt cam 30 min pe treapta minima a cuptorului cu gaz. Faceti proba scobitorii.
Blatul copt se raceste si se taie in doua transversal.


Jumatatea ( superioara) de blat maruntita se amesteca cu restul ingredientelor. Se completeaza cu apa pana la omogenizare. Cantitatea de apa depinde de gustul fiecaruia. Crema trebuie sa aiba consistenta si sa nu  curga.

Asezare :

Blatul ramas se insiropeaza cu apa amestecata cu rom. Poti pune zahar in sirop dar va fi foarte dulce.
Crema se aseaza peste blat si se da la rece 30  de minute.
Se scoate din frigider si de glazureaza.
Se pune in frigider pentru inca 30 de minute.

Rum Slices

I would say ... slices with love for the unique flavor of rum from childhood that I recently rediscovered thanks to a dear friend Nicoleta and her husband Iulian Suciu.
In a discussion I found out that Cosseli Superesenta Rum (the same quality in the vanilla essence also) delivers the taste of rum so loved by the 80-90 generation (me included).
So it was absolutely necessary to make this cake that I didn’t bake for more than a year ... because of the lack of ... aroma.
So ... here goes:



10 eggs
10 tablespoons sugar
10 tablespoons of flour
5 tablespoons oil (sunflower)
2 teaspoons baking powder


½ baked cake cooled and crumbled
200g butter (or margarine)
200g ground nuts (hazelnuts, almonds, macadamia ... etc)
4-6 tablespoons of cocoa
6 tablespoons sugar (you can put more if you want it sweeter)
1 bottle of rum essence (Cosseli superesenta, Cosmin superesenta)
2 tablespoons dark rum
6 tablespoons apricot jam


Instant chocolate frosting



Beat the egg whites, add sugar and beat until stiff .  Add the egg yolks and oil and stir with a whisk. Add flour mixed with baking powder.
Bake on a tray lined with baking paper about 30 min on the minimum temperature of the gas oven. Do the toothpick test.
Cool the cake and cut it in half crosswise.


Mix the half of cake(superior) shredded with remaining ingredients. Add water until smooth. The amount of water depends on your taste. The filling must be consistent and rather stiff on the cake.

Moist the remaining dough with water mixed with rum. You can put sugar inside the syrup but it will be very sweet.
Put the filling on top of the cake and chill for 30 minutes.
Remove from refrigerator and glaze it with chocolate frosting.
Put back in the fridge for 30 minutes more.